Monday 10 December 2012

Game board night! First little project!

Hey hey hey exciting Wednesday coming! Hosted by me and every Wednesday in main meeting room!

Come come come!!


  1. Hi there! You survived the weekend as I see:)
    and you already did the christmas gift shopping as well. I'm still working on my project, but on wednesday I have this stupid exam finally, then I'll start with my holiday euphoria too:) congrats for launching your first project,I'm looking forward to come.

  2. ! i did :Doh kinda turned like Christmas one! i good luck! I will see you here then ysy!

  3. tonight is the night! See you there!!:D

  4. HI! Sorry, I probably didn't mention that my exam is from six to eight'o clock, I attend an online school, and all my exams and classes are on wednesdays at 6, but next week I'll come at 4. So how was it? :)

  5. oh i thought something like that :D i was nice, there was a lot girls from hostel like thirteen of then so they got involved and after some other ex volunteers came, next Wednesday is going to be more of them yay:Dsoo yes doo come :D or if you want come on weekend ;D there is games here as well ;D

  6. wow, 13 is a lot, so the first event succeeded:). Thanks for the invite, I really need to get out of the house, because lately I became a house cat. :) I'm rushing at work now, see ya!

  7. Sure! you welcome! i will be at house all day anyways so come anytime;D they start games 7 ;D its just down below my room;D hope weather wont scare you!;Dsee ya!
